Transforming still or now performing?
Digital transformation is here.

You can demonstrate HR value by laying foundations for working in the Digital Age.
You can create great employee experiences by applying new technologies to core processes easily and you don't need to purchase expensive, complicated systems that require an IT team and an absent financial director.
SaaS cloud based solutions are here to stay. Ours is equipped for set up and go!
Your digitalisation journey holds a great opportunity for you to move into a strategic position and make a real contribution to the overall success of your company.
Don't be left behind. Jump on board today!
98% of large to enterprise size companies have already started their digital transformation journey. The shocking news is that most of them still have a long way to go and many solutions they have chosen like the all new singing and dancing Workday is just not cutting it and is has introduced significant cost to the business than it is saving, not to mention the headache and many months and years of installation.
So far, only 23% of these large companies have successfully completed their HR cloud transformation and over 40% have not or only partly anchored digitalisation into their corporate strategy.
So what's stopping you? Get ahead and stay ahead with iDrive HR.