Why iDrive HR?
Organisations must care for employees while comply with the law.
Track, automate and manage employee data, development, and engagement at scale. This enables organisations and those responsible for HR to focus on people rather than administrative tasks.

Our platform has been built with the employee in the forefront of our mind. We wanted to build in features that enable a smaller business to use this to reach out to employees and tap into free training and employee development resources, that they would not ordinarily have access to without additional cost.
PLUS we make available to the organisation access to HR and Employment, H&S law expertise.
No organisation wants to treat employees unfairly, mismanage their data or be a place of work where they do not want to be, give or become their best.
All organisations want to do what's right.
​Our platform has been designed to ensure you do.
From right to work certifications to recording data relating to the employee and their progress and development. From recording health and safety incidents, to signing documents to help you in your job. iDriveHR has it all - Oh and we are continually without disruption to you, introducing new features and benefits all the time - just for the Smaller Business, because we care you get it right.