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Transitioning fully to digital can be quite an climb, regardless of the size of business.

For larger businesses with more resources to give to this, whilst it might be handy to have dedicated project team, there are usually vast resources to move together to the same place, adopting the same ways. As more and more people join these organisations who have greater experience of digital technology the easier this will become. Right now, though, we are not there, with a multi generational workforce with many not having used technology until their later years.

So why do organisations fail to fully transition across to ALL Digital?

Here is just a small selection of the main reasons:

🤔 expertise to run the project which involves high level change management

if either the right people, with the right experience and skills are not involved in the project, or the right number of resources are not allocated to the project, it might take considerably longer to embed an all digital strategy.

🤔 the solutions adopted require workflows that promote non digital means

the solution adopted do not fully promote an all digital strategy. For example, a person may have to print something off to sign, scan in something, print something to retain or check for example reports is a great example here.

🤔 the solutions adopted are not fully understood or utilised by the users

Solutions are purchased without planning for proper and gradual understanding. Solutions are not embedded into working practices or workflows, across the right group of users. Users are not involved in this.

🤔 organisations switch from solution to solution without fully exploring the advantages and benefits of the first and working with the provider for improvement

Organisations fail to give the solution time to embed or quickly jump on the first thing that doesn't meet their expectation without working with the solution provider. Great Solutions providers evolve their product and should be always looking for ways and means to make your experience greater and better. Just because the next one looks more glossy today does not mean it will tomorrow.

🤔 the system is not being developed to integrate with the wider eco-system

If the system stands alone and you cant say access documents in your local shared storage area, or it does not create reports that can be easily uploaded to other systems, then usage of the system may be lower and/or it might become less valued over time. Even if the system stands alone today, there should be future plans to integrate it with the wider eco system.

🤔 lack of training/coaching and support

The old saying, you get out what you put in. Whenever an organisation embraces change or looks to integrate new ways of working including digital ways and using new software, there should always be training coaching and support provision allocated over a good space of time. You should not expect to be fully up and running in weeks. Sometimes this takes months, and even years to fully embed. The less you put in, the less you will get out.

🤔 fear of loss and fear of failure

When we take a step away from something, adopt something new, try something different, leave behind what we did, there will always be a sense of loss and possible fear of failure. Most systems however these days are built to not break and the support you can receive from vendors can be amazing. At the end of the day the solutions provider wants you to succeed and not fail or have fear. However, human nature, means if we fear loss or failure we may resist. What we find is that those who may resist usually become the champions!

Everything above discussed and everything you can think of not here however will boil down to TIME & MONEY - WASTED

The benefits for going ALL in to digital can include:

😁 faster and more streamlined work processes

😁 time to do the stuff you don't otherwise have time to do

😁 better for the planet - especially if you consider the software providers CO2 omissions and how it works

😁 new way of working and thinking

😁 access to new data outputs

😁 access to expertise and resources you wouldn't otherwise have access to

😁 lower headcount costs

😁 increased people engagement

Again, everything above discussed and everything you can think of not here however will boil down to TIME & MONEY - SAVED


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